Saturday, August 13, 2005
those who know let their voices be heard:
While researching, I stumbled across some rather amazing remarks in praise of the Pumpkin Pie Mobile. Proof that there are fans all around the globe.
"Two thumbs up!"
"Two thumbs up!"
- Ebert and Roper
"Pupils will dilate. Spines will tingle. Hearts will pound. Introducing The" Pumpkin Pie Mobile.
"Pupils will dilate. Spines will tingle. Hearts will pound. Introducing The" Pumpkin Pie Mobile.
- 'where smart car buyers start'"
"Don't miss this one, it's a thriller. Your mind will be boggled at the twists and turns it prepared to shudder!"
"Don't miss this one, it's a thriller. Your mind will be boggled at the twists and turns it prepared to shudder!"
- Lady Felicity, professional student and reviewer
"...A good option for the thinking of the all-time great sports cars, no doubt about it...such a hotshot...uncompromising everyday set of wheels."
"...A good option for the thinking of the all-time great sports cars, no doubt about it...such a hotshot...uncompromising everyday set of wheels."
- 'buy, sell & know cars'
"Driven By What’s Inside."
"Driven By What’s Inside."
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Pizzy D-A-Double Dizzy of Pumpkins

We thought it appropriate ta imput a bit of ghettobazizle into tha equation n shit. You see, tha owna of tha ride (and you can read all 'bout him here) is a bit of a piznimp, a daddy, a sort of nigga gad-bout-town. His ride is tha mizzy suitable ride fo` siznuch a dawg - comfortizzles, noticizzle, famous all over tha city like old skool shit. One simply needs ta only hear tha sound, n one thinks "it's tha Pumpkin Pie Mobile!" Thizzay you stizzay n wait, n sure enough he drives pizzy n you wave n he waves n tha whole world is happia, fo'real.
Pumpkins is tha wanna be gangsta fruit from Nam spittin' that real shit. If you're a killa n I knizzow you are, you'll eat these every meal, breakfast, lunch, n dinna, n all yo snacks in between times sho nuff. You'll definately drive a pimped out vehicle, a pimped out pumpkin pie mobile. You'll definately be coola tizzy cool. You'll be ice. Yeah, you'll be fo'real, m'nizzles.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The Pumpkin Pie Mobile, From Every Angle
A Personal Memory of the Pumpkin Pie Mobile
I remember back to the deep and distant past when I was first given a ride in the Pumpkin Pie Mobile. It had recently been sold to its current owner - a man for whom there is no epithet suitable and no adjective worthy save perhaps for "inimitable" or "ineffable." I sat on the kerb waiting quite patiently for the car to arrive, beside myself with anticipation at being taken for a ride in a car. It was a sunny day, and bees were a-buzz, and birds were a-song, and clouds were a-fluff, and I was a-joy. Before long, I could hear a clamour coming up the hill. It sounded like a badly-maintained two-stroke engine, or an old man trying v
ery hard to clear a lump of phlegm from a decades-old throat. Around the corner, struggling valiantly, came the eponymous car of this site.
Painted the most cheerful colour of brown, with interior to match, driving by a person who was simply a smile, the Pumpkin Pie Mobile drew up beside me. I got up, opened a door, hopped in, and closed the door behind me. It shut with a determined thunk and I at once felt secure. It was solidly built, like a bunker on wheels, and I knew that in the remote chance we crashed I would most probably walk away entirely unscathed.
Since then, I have had the complete pleasure of being ferried about by the Pumpkin Pie Mobile. Whether early in the day, or late at night, whether in the fiercest snow or the brightest sun, it always drives without trouble and without breaking down at all. It's equipped with the most modern of sound-systems for the entertainment of all aboard. It's seats are enormously comfortable, well-padded things, perfect for even the longest of road-trips. One's buttocks would never tire of sitting on such wondrous upholstery. Indeed, the loveliness of the car is surpassed only by the niceness of it's owner.

Painted the most cheerful colour of brown, with interior to match, driving by a person who was simply a smile, the Pumpkin Pie Mobile drew up beside me. I got up, opened a door, hopped in, and closed the door behind me. It shut with a determined thunk and I at once felt secure. It was solidly built, like a bunker on wheels, and I knew that in the remote chance we crashed I would most probably walk away entirely unscathed.
Since then, I have had the complete pleasure of being ferried about by the Pumpkin Pie Mobile. Whether early in the day, or late at night, whether in the fiercest snow or the brightest sun, it always drives without trouble and without breaking down at all. It's equipped with the most modern of sound-systems for the entertainment of all aboard. It's seats are enormously comfortable, well-padded things, perfect for even the longest of road-trips. One's buttocks would never tire of sitting on such wondrous upholstery. Indeed, the loveliness of the car is surpassed only by the niceness of it's owner.
Monday, August 01, 2005
The Greatest Moment in History

The setting for the evening was perfect.
We had partaken of an American tradition, some for the first time.
Our bellies were full and our transport home was so generously provided (service with a smile!).
As the petrol was pumped the moment arrived:
After the careful posing of our painstakingly-selected model, a photo was taken; the memory captured forever (until digital photos are outdated and sloughed from the world - or the world sloughed from the galaxy)."Hey wow! Check out the colour co-ordination between the pumpkin pie and the car's interior!"
But in one unanimous decision, the triad in possession of this great secretive knowgledge were kneaded, rolled and pressed into silence.
We could not rise from our self-enforced plate of pie dimension.
No, just as the two bought-fresh-at-Dunedin-Farmer's-market pumpkins were oiled, cooked, mashed and mixed with a delightful combination of
6 eggs
2 cups packed brown sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
2 cups evaporated milk we would have to remain quiet until the time of revealing.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Pie Reliability

To the left, you can see pumpkins (which are, by the way, the fruit of any number of vines of the genus Cucurbita, especially - and more commonly - from those vines known as C. maxima and C. moschata) being churned in some sort of purée-o-matic contraption in order, presumably, to produce copious amounts of pumpkin pie, the most nutrious pie known to man. As you read this, teams of scientists, working all over the globe, around the clock, are slaving to discover a healthier combination of vine-fruits and pastry, and I can guarantee that they'll fail. Pumpkin pie is best. Pumpkin pie is most useful. Pumpkin pie is most wonderful. Pumpkin pie is most reliable.
The high pie-reliability factor possessed by the pumpkin is transferred from pastry to automobile in the eponymic subject of this website. Like the pie for which it is named, the Pumpkin Pie Mobile is sturdy, steady, always available to ferry one from A to B (and, if needed, beyond to at least H or J). It's owner is a man of a high calibre, of sterling mettle indeed. He, like his car, and like the vegetable for which it is named and coloured, has high reliability. High pie-reliability.