Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Pizzy D-A-Double Dizzy of Pumpkins

We thought it appropriate ta imput a bit of ghettobazizle into tha equation n shit. You see, tha owna of tha ride (and you can read all 'bout him here) is a bit of a piznimp, a daddy, a sort of nigga gad-bout-town. His ride is tha mizzy suitable ride fo` siznuch a dawg - comfortizzles, noticizzle, famous all over tha city like old skool shit. One simply needs ta only hear tha sound, n one thinks "it's tha Pumpkin Pie Mobile!" Thizzay you stizzay n wait, n sure enough he drives pizzy n you wave n he waves n tha whole world is happia, fo'real.
Pumpkins is tha wanna be gangsta fruit from Nam spittin' that real shit. If you're a killa n I knizzow you are, you'll eat these every meal, breakfast, lunch, n dinna, n all yo snacks in between times sho nuff. You'll definately drive a pimped out vehicle, a pimped out pumpkin pie mobile. You'll definately be coola tizzy cool. You'll be ice. Yeah, you'll be fo'real, m'nizzles.